Friday, October 31, 2014

Monthly October Extra Post

What I've Done
  •  Prepared for my 1st lesson
  • Completed Research Articles up to 24th Entry
  • Turned in 1st draft of Working Bibliography
  • Went to City Hall Meetings as part of Mentorship
  • Conducted Second Interview with Upland 
  • Worked on Independent Component
What I Will Do
  •  Continue Work on Mentorship
  • Continue Independent Component
  • Continue attending City hall Meetings
  • Refine Independent Component
Summary of this Month: 
Although this month has been exceedingly stressful, the combination of writing college applications and balancing three college classes with regular school work contributing, I feel that this month has been generally good in regards to the senior project. This Month I completed more work related to the senior project, was assigned the impending tasks of the first component, and continued my mentorship. I've been considering revising my first component project by updating it into a more comprehensive academic essay, but I am unsure as to how to do so. This is a question I will be attending to in the future.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Blog 8 - Research and Working EQ

1.  What is your working EQ?
Working EQ: What is the best way to get involved in Local California Politics i.e. City Councils, Mayors, etc?

2.  What is a possible answer to your working EQ? Please write the answer in thesis format. 
  • Attend local meetings to get more involved in the political process and establish rapport with politically motivated individuals
  • Create a network of contacts to both support and inform you on topics
3.  What is the most important source you have used that has helped you come up with an answer to your working EQ?
      My most important source of info in regards to this topic without a doubt been The Dynamics of Political Participation as it is one of the most in depth research articles that I have found, utilizes the psychological definition of political skill which is one of the best definitions of the term which I have found in my research (A definition which has influenced my answer as networking is one of the skills included by that definition), and a solidly researched article with multiple citations and academic backing.

4.  Who is your mentor, or where are you doing mentorship, and how does what you are doing relate to your working EQ? 
     Current mentor is El Monte City Councilwoman Victoria Martinez and my mentorship largely consists of attending local city council meetings and talking with people in regards to the issues raised, the political process, and the essentials of politics.  This relates to my topic as the one on one conversations with my mentor are excellent sources of info on local politics given that it is the direct level that I am experiencing and also provides new insight on how to focus my project further.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Blog 7: Independent Component 1 Approval

Component Idea: Graphic Organizer of My Multiple Mentor's Musings on Politics

Description: A visual representation of the individual responses my mentors will have to a standard survey (Included Below), this series of flow chart will allow a viewer to easily see the diversity of responses which they have to the survey, and allow a reader to see the actual results of this data. These responses will be further analyzed and interpreted in the context of the psychological definition of political skill, and scrutinized to see if there are further links between responses. If a substantial link is to be found, then a second survey will be published and sent that will expand upon those similarities to further derive commonalities which can have application to normal life e.g. if there are resonant attributes which recur among those who are politically successful. These results will then be further scrutinized and compiled into chart format before being summarized in an academic paper of undetermined length.

For Details on possible flowchart ideas, please refer to September extra post

Survey Questions
1. Why did you decide to enter politics?
2. What are your future ambitions in this field?
3. Which of the following skills would you say are applied most in your profession? Check all that apply?
Personal Influence-
Social Astuteness-
Genuine Sincerity-
4. Of these skills, list the one which you make the most use of in your profession. If favored skill is absent, then write it in and list basis for decision.
5. Check any activity which you were involved in during  educational years. If any absent, check other and write in what you participated in.
AP Classes
Student Government
College Classes
Volunteer Groups
Social Activities


Expected Results: It is my hope that the result of my data collection will reveal multiple commonalities which will make it possible to predict future political potential or be applied to general life.

(1) 3-5 Page Academic Paper, MLA Format, w/Sources Cited on outcome of surveys I administered
(1) Collection of Survey Results Collected in easily readable flowchart form
(1) Copy of Survey Forms
(1) Collection of Charts of Data Collected

1. Describe in Detail what you plan to do for your 30 Hours
   For the bulk of my 30 hours of work, I intend to spend that time interviewing my mentors in person and online depending upon their availability. The vast majority of my other work will be actually creating graphs of the data, revising charts, revising surveys, emailing my correspondents for updates, and writing the academic paper.

2. Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.
 For my academic paper, I intend to include with my regular updates on my blog the status of my essay including published drafts in order to demonstrate a logical progression and series of edits of it to ensure that it is known that is not a sudden job. As for my interviews, I intend to include snapshots of my e-mails, charts, and survey results to ensure that nothing was fabricated. I will also include photos of me interacting with my mentors in person to show how we met.

3. And explain how what you will be doing will help you explore your topic in more depth.
    As referred to in my justification, this process should help me to better understand the type of work and ideals which it takes to enter into California Politics, and should provide valid data on what experts in the field believe that entails. Furthermore, the actual process of conducting this survey mirrors actual work in the field of Political Science, a subject I intend to major in and conduct similar research when I go to college, and this should provide actual experience on what data gathering should consist of. Finally, the actual results of seeing what drives these individuals towards their goals should allow me to fulfill a subgoal of this project by allowing me to see if there are any common links these individuals share. By finding these links, potential application can be found by encouraging the development of those attributes in others given the strong correlation between an individual's political skill and their corresponding success in life. This final issue is important to me as it allows me to find a potential way of relating this subject which I care very much about to my audience in the senior presentation as the application may have direct resonance with their lives.

4. Update Your Senior Hours Blog