1,What are you most proud of in your Lesson 1 Presentation and why?
In my lesson 1 presentation, the sole takeaway of pride that I can honestly state is that I managed to translate the concept of the psychological definition of Political Skill, the best way in which a person can start to get involved in their local politics (Town Meetings), and effective citation of my mentorship as it relates to my topic.
2. Questions to Consider
a. What assessment would you give yourself on your Lesson 1 Presentation (self-assessment)?
b. Explain why you deserve that grade using evidence from the Lesson 1 component contract.
This grade is warranted as I met the standard requirements that the lesson 1 component contract mandates of students by accurately citing 7 minutes worth of content from my two interviews, selected information from my research, and fulfilling of the stipulated conditions of the presentation such as the audience interaction portion. I do not warrant an AE however, as I failed to go above and beyond by making use of a technological component and by straying slightly in regards to my lesson plan by not stressing the relation between political skill and overall success as adamantly as I should have. In place of that, I focused upon the minutiae of attending city council meetings and attempting to get into contact with civic leaders. This alienated the audience, in combination with my halting speaking style, and diminished the quality of my hook. This in turn alienated my audience and lowered the overall impact of my lesson in spite of my fulfillment of the prompt.
3. What worked for you in your Lesson 1?
In regards to what worked for lesson 1, I found the audience to be paying the most attentionwhen the content of the lesson was related to relaant issues or tangible actions that they could do. Specificity, in place of generality, proved a more promising way to engage the audience. In addition, structuring the bulk of the lesson around a concept, the psychological definition of political skill, which was used to relate to the overall content seemed successful in practice. The concept still requires refinement, but the lessons learned will be applied in the next lesson.
4. (What didn't work) If you had a time machine, what would you have done differently to improve your Lesson 1?
Overall, I found that my biggest failing was a combination of a failure to adhere to my lesson plan and an overall lack of "pizzazz". In this regard, I would increase the role of my visuals as a supplement to my lesson rather than a crutch and maintain a more rigorous adherence to my topic by allotting a certain amount of time to each section such that I won't spend to much time on any one section.
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